Donating is easy

Here you can easily support us with donating for our association

You can choose between online bank transfer directly here (left form) or you can choose the traditional bank transfer at your personal bank account. The information for the second option are on the right side below.

Does not matter, how much, you can choose any amount you want to donate and you will receive a donation receipt from us. Therefore please do not forget to enter your contact information in the transfer. If you do not know your BIC, you can use this link:

For the online donation here on our homepage we are using the free service of betterplace, a very trustful non-governmental organization in Germany, that supports local associations like us. This online money transfer will not charge any fees, either for us or for you. The donation receipt will be distributed by betterplace directly, out of personal data security reasons in Germany.

Information for your bank transfer:

Waisenhaus Tamale e.V.
Name of the bank:
Sparkasse Leipzig
your name and address (if you want a donation receipt)